Saturday, January 28, 2023

Dog Day Downtown

Today, Mommy woke me up and told me I was going to the Farmers Market!

Mommy goes to the Farmers Market all the time back in Chicago. I am always excited when she comes home because she has lots of food and - sometimes - she even has treats for me.

But this was the first time I was going to the Farmers Market with Mommy. And Daddy was coming, too!

The Farmers Market in Panama City had so much to do! 

There were really big cars that smelled like all kinds of mouth watering food. I kept pulling Daddy to take me one of the big cars, but he told me I already had breakfast. 

There were people playing music. We stopped for a minute to watch a cute little boy singing.

There were tables with tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, onions, cabbage, strawberries, and honey. I watched Mommy buy a bunch of stuff - but I kept sniffing the air for the big cars with really good smells.

And there was even a nice lady selling doggie bandanas! Mommy asked which ones I liked - and I picked out one with sharks and another one with seahorses. Mommy promised to put one on me when we got home.

We checked out a few more things at the Farmers Market before Daddy said it was time to leave. I was so happy that Panama City has water fountains for dogs because I got very thirsty walking all over the Farmers Market, picking out bandanas, and SMELLING all the yummy food! 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rocking The Alibi Again

Today was Wednesday.

And on Wednesdays we go to the Alibi. 

And on Wednesdays when we go to the Alibi, we also go to see Bently and BINGO.

I was so happy to see Bently!

But I still haven't seen that dog BINGO.

Oh well, Mommy and Daddy had fun taking the big markers and making big blobs on the number sheets.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What, No Leash????!!!!

Today's walk started out like all the others on the beach so far.

Daddy grabbed my leash, Mommy put on her sun glasses, and we were out the door, down the elevator, across the pool deck - and on the beach!

We walked together for a bit, and Daddy told Mommy he wanted to try something.

He then leaned over and took off my leash.

I was confused. Our walk wasn't over. We weren't back at the condo.

Then Mommy and Daddy both started walking. I wasn't sure what to do, until Mommy said, "C'mon Monty!"

I looked around a bit and Mommy and Daddy were moving further away - so I ran as fast as I could to catch-up with them.

I kept waiting for them to put my leash back on, but they didn't.

We walked some more and I said to myself, "I must be a really good boy if I don't need my leash to walk on the beach!" 

I loved the extra freedom to check things out, and go back and forth and all around Mommy and Daddy. 

And, I could run to greet all the other people on the beach and hear them tell me how cute I am. Plus, I could snoop around and see if they had any food. Mommy and Daddy would call for me, and I'd run back to them and then walk right in the middle between them so I could look up anytime I want in either direction to see them!

We walked and walked and I ran and ran, I think I put in twice as many steps as Mommy and Daddy!

Which was so much fun and made me happy!

And very, very tired for the rest of the day!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Walking With Mommy

Today was Saturday - and that usually means that I have more quality time with Mommy and Daddy since they don't have to sit in front of their computers all day. But today, Daddy said he had to work, so Mommy took me by herself for our walk on the beach.

I missed having Daddy for our walk, because I love when we are all together.

But, I was happy that Mommy and I could still go outside. During the walk, Mommy told me how good I was being and how cute I am. She stopped and picked up a few seashells and showed them to me. She pointed out waves and clouds and birds.

It was a cloudy day, but then Mommy saw some sun rays peaking out of the clouds. When Mommy sees sun rays, she thinks of Fezzy. And I do, too.

Fezzy was my brother, my partner in crime, and my best furry friend in the whole wide world. Fezzy went to the Rainbow Bridge in November and we miss him so much. We miss:

  • his little lamb run
  • his bouncy ears 
  • the way he always had to have first dibs on Mommy's lap nests
  • his "cat pose" 
  • how he would stick his nose in the air to feel the breeze
  • his straight legs when he would walk or was picked up
  • his ability to find the best sunny spots
  • his head tilt (his was almost as cute as mine) and slow tail wag when waiting for something
Mommy and I walked quietly for a few minutes, feeling sad together. 

We hoped Fezzy could feel how much we miss him and love him - and how we wish him lots of playing, cuddling, and loving with all the other fur babies at the Rainbow Bridge. 

We love you Fezzmonster!

Friday, January 20, 2023

I Can Restaurant Hop, Too!

Tonight Mommy and Daddy decided to go out for dinner - and told me I could go, too!  One of the reasons I love Panama City is that there are lots of places where I can go with Mommy and Daddy. 

Mommy told me we were going to a place called Finns. When we got there, Mommy and Daddy ordered their food. I looked at them longingly, hoping they would pick something to share with me. Then we sat down - and I had my own chair, just like the other night at The Alibi!

I wondered if we would be looking for BINGO again, but then I started hearing music. Lots of times, when we have dinner at home, Daddy gets his speaker and puts on music. Slow jazz is my favorite - and when I hear it, I curl up in my cuddle bed and get very sleepy. 

This didn't sound like jazz. I looked around and noticed that the music wasn't coming from Daddy's speaker, it was coming from a person holding a guitar, like the one we have back in Chicago that Mommy used to play when she was little.

Mommy and Daddy seemed to like the music coming from the man holding a guitar. While it would have been nice to have my cuddle bed to curl up in, I laid down on the chair, to enjoy the music, too.

Until Mommy and Daddy got their food! Then I perked right back up so they would know I would like some, too. I was very happy they shared some chips with me. 

After we finished eating, we stayed and listened to more music. Lots of people came by to see me. I gave them a big head tilt and they would tell me how cute I am (my head tilt trick works everytime!).

As we walked out to head back home, Mommy pointed out that Finns had dog food dishes! 

I hope next time we go to Finns I hope I get a whole dog food bowl to myself while we listen to music!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Mommy and Daddy took me for another walk on the beach today and as we were headed back to our condo, I pulled on my leash extra hard...because I SAW...


Bentley is my bestest Panama City Beach friend! We sniffed and play bowed as soon as we saw each other!

I met Bentley last year when Mommy and Daddy first stayed at Gulfgate. Here are some interesting facts about Bentley:

  • He is a service dog - his Daddy was in a war a long time ago and Bentley helps his Daddy when he has bad dreams
  • He gets to go everywhere with his Daddy! I can only go some places Mommy and Daddy, so I am a little jealous
  • He has the longest dog eyelashes I've ever seen
I was kind of sad when Mommy and Daddy took me back to the condo and I couldn't play with Bentley any more. A few hours later, though, Mommy and Daddy shared it was time for another adventure - we were going to play BINGO at a place called The Alibi. 

I am not sure what BINGO is, but Mommy started singing, "There was a farmer who had a dog and BINGO was his name-o. B I N G O, B I N G O, B I N G O, and BINGO was his name-o."

We didn't even have to get in the car to go to The Alibi - and I was happy it was a short walk since I was still pretty tired from the long beach walk with Mommy and Daddy earlier today.

I followed Mommy and Daddy into The Alibi. They were about to sit at a table. I was looking around for a dog named BINGO, but...

THERE WAS BENTLY! Who cares about BINGO, when Bentley is around.

Bentley let Mommy, Daddy, and me sit at his table with his Mommy and Daddy and some other folks I think I remembered from last year.

Daddy put me on my own chair so I could see everyone. And then someone came around asking us about BINGO. I kept looking for another dog, but instead they put little pieces of paper in front of me and everyone else.

For the rest of the night, someone kept calling out numbers, and people would look at those pieces of paper and sometime stab them with a big ole marker. And every once in a while, a person would randomly yell for "BINGO," but BINGO must be a stubborn dog, because he never came when called. I guess as a consolation for BINGO not listening, the people who kept calling him were given baskets of people things. 

Maybe BINGO would have listened if those baskets were filled with dog treats instead.


Monday, January 16, 2023

Settling In

Sunshine woke me up earlier than normal today and I remembered we were at the beach. Daddy took me out for a walk - and then it was time to figure out new routines. 

Where is my water and food bowl?

What happened to my dog patch?

Where do I want my cuddle bed?

Where are cool spots for when I get hot?

Are there any good places to rest my head on?

And most important - where does Mommy keep my treats!

I had a busy day ahead of me!

While I was investigating and experimenting, Daddy and Mommy grabbed my leash - and I knew it was walk time. I was so excited when I realized we were headed to the beach! I was a little braver today and tackled getting my paws wet in a few waves. It was so nice and sunny out, I didn't mind that we walked for a REALLY long time. I took a big ole nap when we got back home!

Later, when Mommy and Daddy sat on the balcony as the sun was sliding down the sky, I found a new favorite spot - lying down and putting my head on one of the balcony ledges. That way I have an excellent vantage point for watching to see if any other dogs venture onto MY beach.

I was just about to alert Mommy that is was dinner time, when I noticed she was already in the kitchen. But then, she grabbed my leash. 

What is going on? 

Are we going on another long walk? 

What about dinner?

Mommy and I went down the elevator and then I saw Daddy! He had made us a little bonfire. We sat together for awhile, and then Mommy gathered my leash again - but not before I noticed Daddy was putting steaks on the bonfire.

Steak is another one of my very most favorite foods! I may like steak even more than chicken nuggets.

My mouth was watering and I wanted to stay and help Daddy with the steaks, but Mommy made us go back to our condo. I parked myself right by that door waiting for Daddy and our steaks!

I think I love living at the beach. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

We are Here!

I was such a good boy in the backseat during the really loooong car ride (Mommy kept telling me!). I only barked a few times at other dogs driving by and I patiently waited while Mommy and Daddy bought me chicken nuggets at the drive-throughs.

I love chicken nuggets.

I wasn't even too upset when Chick Fil-A FORGOT my chicken nuggets. 

Finally, today, we pulled into a parking lot and took the suitcases, my cuddle bed, and lots of other things out of the car. 

Hmmm. This place looks familiar. 

Sniff, sniff, I think I smell salt water. Are we...

back at the beach...???

at Panama City Beach?!? 

I pull Mommy and Daddy up the elevator, and after they open the door, I run around to see where we are. Mommy opens a screen door to a balcony - and then I see it - WE ARE AT THE BEACH!

Mommy and Daddy don't pay much attention to me for the next few hours, but I watch them carefully to make sure they unpack my treats and toys. I am really excited when Daddy shows up with lots of bags that have cheese and meat in them. 

After everything is put away, I see Daddy grab my leash and Mommy put on her sunglasses. We are going on a walk! 

I love going for a walk, 

and I love it even more when both Mommy and Daddy take me together, 

and I am ecstatic when all of us are together WALKING ON THE BEACH!

Even though I am tired when we get back, I make sure Mommy and Daddy know it is time to start making dinner. In addition to being their meal reminder, I am also an excellent sous-chef. I stand right by Mommy's side as she starts taking a few things out to cook.

Mommy, Daddy, and I sit on the balcony for a little bit before Daddy leaves with the meat mommy had prepared on a plate. Uh, oh, where is Daddy taking the meat? I look at Mommy, but she goes back to working in the kitchen, so that is a good sign.

When Daddy comes back - I start jumping up and down - I smell burgers! I sit like a really good boy between them so they don't forget to give me some.

After dinner, I curl up in my cuddle bed on the balcony, while Mommy and Daddy sit with me, and fall asleep listening to the waves and dreaming of the beach and burgers. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

You're Coming!

Mommy and Daddy have been very busy the past day or so. Mommy has not been as neat as she normally is and has been putting all kinds of things on the counters - including my dog food and treats! And Daddy has even left my poop bags out in the open! My "Beach Dog" toy is up there, too, so I've had to dig out my "Chardonnay" toy to play with.

But then...

I see them...

the dreaded suitcases!

When Mommy and Daddy bring out the suitcases, I get very anxious. The last time the suitcases came out, Mommy and Daddy were gone for a week and I missed them so. 

Sometimes, though, suitcases mean we are all going somewhere together. 

This is when I go into detective mode and I follow Mommy and Daddy everywhere - which is very hard to do when they are in different places and I have to run back and forth to see what each of them are doing.

Mommy and Daddy seem to be done with the suitcases and we all go to bed. I curl up between them and settle in. Maybe the suitcases will be gone tomorrow.


What is going on? Why are Mommy and Daddy getting up while it is still dark out? And those suitcases, I see Mommy and Daddy putting more things in them - and closing them. 

I am really anxious now. I do my most adorable head tilt, lift my front right paw, and start whining.

Mommy looks at me and says, "YOU'RE COMING!"

"YOU'RE COMING!" are really good words. And when I see that they are putting my dog food, treats, poop bags, "Beach Boy" toy, AND MY CUDDLE BED on the rolly thing Daddy is pushing out the door - I can't even contain myself! 

Mommy, let's go, let's follow Daddy! C'mon!!!!!!

Mommy just says again, "YOU'RE COMING!" And after what feels like forever, she finally puts on my leash and we meet Daddy in the car.

I am so happy - "I AM GOING" - and I don't really care where as long as I am with Mommy and Daddy!

Feeling my Oats - then Feeling the Burrs

I am so happy when I walk with Mommy and Daddy. And I am even happier when I walk with them and they take my leash off! Today was a no-leash...